Dark skin is one of the most common skin problems in both men and women equally, especially for the residents of those countries where natural skin color is black due to very much temperature such as Asia and Africa. Genetic tissues play a vital role in the skin color, but aside from genetics, there are many other reasons which lead our skin color towards darkness, for example, skin disorders, overexposure to sunlight, poor lifestyle, inflammatory problems, excessive use of medications and hormonal changes.
In many cases, we have noticed that the skin darkness starts from a very small dark spot or small patches on the skin and with the passage of time these spots and patches cover the whole body and make skin darker. In the result, the actual look and color of the skin disturbed. The reason behind the occurrence of small patches and black spots on the skin is the overproduction of melanin on the specific part of the body.
Melanin is one of the pigments which human body produced and this pigment helps to give color to our eyes, skin and to hairs. It is one of the very essential substances of the human body which is necessary for a certain amount, its excess in the body is harmful and its scars are also harmful to the skin. However, some skin disorders happen and take a lot of time to completely appear on the body, their process of attack is very slow. A common man thinks that it’s a usual thing but after some time it appears on the whole body.
The good news for the patients of skin discoloration is that most of these attacks are actually temporary, these are not much harm and their treatment is also available. Some of the most common tricks or you can say that home remedies are to apply bleaching creams on the black spots or using high-quality soaps on the parts is effective enough to eliminate black spots from the skin. But in some cases, no bleach and soaps are helpful to eliminate the black spot.
Laser Treatment:
If you have the same kind of black spot or dark skin color than you do not need to be worried because we are living in the 21st century in which world has turned to be a global village. So, there are many latest treatments exist which are best to treat dark skin or black spots of the skin and also the promise for the more effective results for skin lightening. One of the most popular and best treatment is laser treatment for skin whitening and also in this treatment risk, chances are very low.
Laser treatment is also known as the laser peel, in which the dermatologists use concentrated and short beams of laser light to eliminate the dark, unwanted and damaged skin tissues. Laser treatments are effective enough to treat diverse skin conditions such as dark spots, melasma, wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and fine lines. In this treatment, the laser is used to eliminate the upper layer of the skin and take the lower layer on the upper side of the epidermis. As well as, in the laser treatment heat is being used to underlying dermis and it helps to create new skin tissues.
Though, laser treatment for skin whitening is used to treat melasma and also it is best effective to white the dark skin spots. Sometimes when somebody wanted to save his or her money and choose any of the uneducated and inexperienced dermatologists and if he applies the excessive amount of the heat than it can lead towards post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and in the result dark spots will rise in maximum quantity on the treated area of the skin. This disease is mostly happening in those individuals who are with much darker skins.
History of Laser Skin Treatment:
In the early 1980s, the laser skin treatment was first time introduced. At the beginning of this treatment, it was applied with the help of carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been used in the treatment to give maximum light beam to the skin for white color. At the start of the treatment, there are many harmful side effects attack on the skin of the patients. SO, the dermatologists realize that they have to modify the technology and its method too. They work on that topic and successes to develop the latest range of erbium lasers and (CO2) lasers. Now, this treatment has the ability to deliver the very quick and tinny light on the very small area of the skin and also in very much measured quantity to save skin. They got much better results than before and now laser treatment for skin whitening has known as one of the best and first choice for the skin diseases.
Types of Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening:
There are three types of laser treatment available.
1) Ablative Laser Resurfacing
2) Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing
3) Fractional Skin Resurfacing
Let\’s discuss all of them in detail.
1) Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment:
The first treatment that is used to treat skin dark spots is ablative laser resurfacing treatment. In this treatment, the dermatologists used the very short range of light on the skin to cure the skin of the high beam of light. This treatment is considered one of the most effective and most safe methods to treat people. In this treatment, the doctors work to eliminate the most upper layer of the skin and remove the underneath vaporize the affected cells from the skin.
This Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening is considered as the one-time treatment. As this treatment is one of the most effective and save treatment but it also has some minor side effects. The side effects of this treatment have considered as prolonged because they take much time to recover near about 2 to 3 weeks. You cannot use this treatment according to your will, for any of the laser treatment for skin whitening you have to visit a proper, qualified and experienced laser surgeon, he will check your skin condition and after that, he will suggest the best appropriative treatment regarding your skin.
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2) Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing
The second type of laser treatment for skin whitening is the non-ablative laser resurfacing method. In this treatment the dermatologists insert the non-ablative lasers lights into the skin of the patient without disturbing the upper layer of the skin. In this treatment, the laser is being used to affect the skin cells, but they keep the outermost layer of the skin safe and at the end of the procedure skin starts healing itself. This treatment is one of the very safe treatment in all the three treatments. In the non-ablative laser skin resurfacing treatment, there is some small treatment include for example Re- Fraxel store and Re-Fraxel pair.
3) Fractional Skin Resurfacing
The third and the last sort of Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening is the fractional skin resurfacing. In this treatment both the Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment and Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing treatment include. In the result of the treatment patient get more efficient result and at the same procedure and the same time this treatment is recognized as a very quick recovery time.
In this laser treatment, very tinny micro-beams of laser light has thrown on those areas of the skin which are affected by skin dark spots. As I first describe that in this treatment the laser specialists keep the upper layer of the skin safe.
Both the Ablative Laser Resurfacing Treatment and Non-ablative Laser Resurfacing treatment are not much effective as this treatment is to cure of dark skin tones. This treatment is also known to replace the affected skin tissues with some new and latest creative skin cells. At the end of the treatment, the patient gets younger and radiant looking skin.
Side Effects of Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening:
Here are some of the side effects of the Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening such as:
- Skin scarring
- Irritation
- Redness
- Burning sensation
- Scarring
- Changes in the tones of the Skin
- Swelling
- Tightness
- Bruising
- Skin scabbing
- Pigment changes
- Infection
- Irregularities of the Skin surface
- Itching
- Skin scarring
- Skin blistering
- Changes in the skin pigmentation
- Cold sore reactivation
- Redness on the treated area of the skin
- Other skin side effects