
What are the Different Ways to Treat Actinic Keratosis

Disease is the things that we always want to avoid and when it happens, we do a lot of things to make sure to prevent it and make sure that they don’t spread It was estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), that an average person spends more than 1 million dollars on their health.

Another study was conducted by the World Health Organization that in the past the diseases were not that harmful and now the diseases of today are ten times stronger and can hurt in different and unknown ways.

Here, you might have gotten confused, so, to bring it down to simpler words, read this example. Let’s say that your great grandfather had the flu and he recovered after some days. But now, there are many kinds of flus and some of them are incurable and can even take life.

Every disease is very painful and disturbing, if you had a fever, you will be irritated. And there is a person who had to get dialysis every week, gets irritated as well. So, any disease is a bad disease.

The skin diseases are said to be the worst kind of disease because if any of your limb or muscle is affected it stays there unless it is cancer. But skin diseases are the kind of problems that always spread and take a lot of time in recovering.

Actinic Keratosis

One of the skin diseases that is becoming common is called actinic keratosis. There are a lot of people that ask what’s actinic keratosis? And the answer is that this is a kind of disease that makes the skin rough, makes scaly patches on your skin. This type of skin problem develops on the face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearm, scalp or neck.

How it develops?

It is developed if your skin is too much exposed to the sun, but don’t worry it doesn’t happen instantly. It will take more than 7 years and of extreme heat to get this disease. 

You must be wondering that there are many people on your list who belong to the world’s hottest countries and they don’t develop this disease. But you must understand that those people are immune to such diseases because their skin develops the kind of shield that doesn’t let this disease develop. But not all people get lucky and some people do get this problem.

But if one of your friends is living in a country which has a moderate temperature level the whole year, but no matter how moderate the weather gets, still the summers are hot. And if that friend of yours didn’t put sunscreen on it, he/she will get this disease if their skin is sensitive, but if the skin is not sensitive maybe he/she will develop it in later life.


Ways of treating it

But there are a lot of ways to prevent it and if you have it, give a good read to this article because here, we have told you ways of treating it as well. Below are the ways of treating it;

  • Cryosurgery 

It was a rumor that when you freeze the diseases, they die but some just slow down or freeze until the freezing goes away. But it was then proven right until the health experts said that skin diseases can be controlled by freezing them and then cryosurgery was introduced for this disease.

How it is done?

In this procedure, doctors use liquid nitrogen that freezes the surface of the skin. We have all seen the cartoons when something touches the liquid nitrogen, it breaks. Just like that, in this procedure, your skin will have redness and sometimes blistering and it will remain like that until the new skin comes back. This procedure is very painful and irritating.

This is the most common type of treatment for actinic keratosis. And this treatment is so fast that it is done by visiting any dermatology clinic once.

Surgical removal and biopsy procedure 

As obvious from the name, in this procedure of treating the actinic keratosis, the affected area of the skin is removed and the lesion will be sent in lab for testing and see if the disease has extended to become cancerous. This is the way, in which you can see actinic keratosis symptoms.

Chemotherapy procedure

In this procedure, no radiations are involved but this will have a cream. Remember that, this procedure can cause a lot of irritation and it will feel like your skin is burning. In short, it is very painful. 

  • How does it work?

This topical cancer medicinal cream is called fluorouracil cream. And it is applied to the damaged area, some doctors also say that if you have this disease on the hand, then you should apply at least arms as well. Because when this disease is spreading, it cannot be known.

  • Photodynamic therapy procedure

In this procedure, the skin will be exposed to different chemicals. This procedure is also very painful and slow. The chemical is thrown from a laser. 

How does it work?

The skin is exposed to a light that activates or throws chemicals, that will destroy the abnormal skin and the damaged cells. It can cause burning, stinging and even discoloration in the skin when the skin cells will be recovering or you can say when the new skin cells will be developing.

  • Chemical peel procedure

This procedure is just like chemotherapy and surgical removal way. But it includes chemicals in solid form. 

How does it work?

A chemical solution is applied to the skin which will kill the skin cells that are damaged and it will cause blistering and peeling of the skin. There will be temporary redness and swelling but when the new skin will come, all this will be worth it.

If you think that you have this disease, meaning to say that you are unsure, you can always consult a pharmacist. He/she will pull out some medicines which are only for actinic keratosis ICD 10 code.

  • Dermabrasion procedure

You can say that this is the most painful kind of treatment for actinic keratosis. In the treatment, a device is used which you can hold easily. It is used to sand the skin and improve its appearance. 

How does it work?

Imagine, you have a wound and you have to rub sand again and again over it. Sounds really painful right! But has to be done if the damaged area is very large and the lesion is in a very bad condition, or you can say that the disease is chronic. So, instead of bearing the pain for years, bare the pain for a little while. This is also done when no other treatment is working.

It leaves the skin red and when you are done with the session with the device, the skin looks raw. But doctors recommend using numbing ointment, nerve blocking tablets or creams and other pain-relieving medications. There are many health experts and dermatologists who are still working on the ICD 10 code for actinic keratosis.

Immunomodulator therapy procedure

This therapy is very slow and at times you will think that this treatment is not working, but this is the best solution. It uses different kinds of creams for different types of skins. It uses; 

  • Imiquimod cream.
  • Ingenol gel.
  • Diclofenac gel.

These gels work just like fluorouracil cream, like for the selective damaged area of skin. It can also cause redness, itching on the whole damaged area, crusting of skin and peeling of the skin. And this will continue until the new skin has come back. To keep yourself updated with all kinds of news on this disease, you can always follow actinic keratosis ICD 10.

Some people who develop minor skin problems think that they have developed actinic keratosis, and they use the treatment and make it worse. So, to make sure that you have this disease, you can always look at actinic keratosis images below, just to make sure that you have this disease or not.


Final Verdict

There are a lot of diseases related to the skin which are developing very fast and dermatologists don’t know the cure for it. There are many people who suffered from actinic keratosis and no medicine affected them and the disease became cancerous.

But there are many patients who suffered from it got out of it at an early stage because when this disease becomes chronic, it doesn’t leave easily.

There are many victims of this disease who got out of it by using natural remedies and these remedies don’t have any side effects and on top of that, they don’t cause any kind of pain as well. 

But again, there are people, who used many kinds of natural remedies and landed straight in a hospital.

All of these treatments above are very painful, it causes a lot of irritation and swelling. Some of the treatments also even remove the skin and it looks like that natural skin is out and these are working for many people as well. 

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